workshop 2022

Every year ArcheoVirtual exhibition is supported by a thematic workshop on the evolution of digital applications in the Cultural Heritage field, on the relative expertise and on forms and techniques of narration of the Past.

The 2022 edition of the workshop will focus on the theme “Towards the Metaverse“. It will be discussed the perspective of the upcoming Metaverse and of the blockchain, two elements which are going to change drastically the way we look at Cultural Heritage.

The scientific director of ArcheoVirtual, Augusto Palombini, will moderate the many prominent guests in the discussion, always respecting the informal atmosphere of the BMTA.

See you in Paestum!

PROGRAM of the ArcheoVirtual 22 Workshop

Ex Tabacchificio di Cafasso, SA – Sala Cerere
Saturday 29 October, 3 pm – 6 pm


Ugo Picarelli Fondatore e Direttore della BMTA

introduction and chairing
Augusto Palombini CNR ISPC, Coordinatore Scientifico di ArcheoVirtual

Costanza Miliani Direttore CNR ISPC

Antonella Negri Central Institute for the Digitization of Cultural Heritage, Italian  Ministry of Culture
Daniele Bursich digital entrepreneur (startup
Antonella Pellettieri research director  CNR ISPC
Ciro Cacciola Director of MAV Museo Archeologico Virtuale di Ercolano
George Partskhaladze Georgian National Museum
Luciano Ragazzi Director of execution of MTC SIC digital ecosystem for culture – Regione Campania
