Engineering, Naples


The version of IDEHA presented at ArcheoVirtual is configured as an interactive viewer that allows the public to consult various types of data relating to some archaeological sites of interest, making them usable through immersion in 360 ° panoramas. For the occasion, the scenario of the archaeological site of Castrum Novum in Santa Marinella, Lazio is presented. 

IDEHA is a project financed with PON and FSC funds and co-financed by the European Union with ERDF or ESF funds in the 12 specialization areas “Research and Innovation” 2014-2020; it is coordinated by the CNR and has a public-private partnership made up of 19 partners which operates with interdisciplinary and intersectoral skills in the field of Cultural Heritage: 10 CNR research institutes, 4 universities and 5 private companies.

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